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Reservation Fee for a Weekend Day (Saturday or Sunday) or a Holiday $ 70.00
Reservation Fee for Weekdays (Monday through Friday) $ 60.00
Additional Fee Required for Electricity (Any Day) $   5.00

Reservations can be made at the Corps of Engineers Lake Office (Monday through Friday, 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM).  Reservations will not be accepted before March 15th, or after September 15th.  Payment of the Reservation Fee is required before a reservation will be accepted. 

Payment of the reservation fee can be by cash, check, money order or major credit card.  Only Credit Card reservations can be placed over the telephone.  Telephone No. (606) 784-9709.


            Make Checks and Money Orders Payable To:

                    U.S.A.C.E., LOUISVILLE DISTRICT




To Make Reservations By Mail:  Send a check or money order made payable to: U.S.A.C.E., LOUISVILLE DISTRICT. Do not send cash when making reservations by mail.  Send the required reservation fee to: 

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Cave Run Lake

150 Kentucky 826

Morehead, KY  40351-9211


Enclose a note with the mailed reservation fee, stating the following information:

1.  Name, address and telephone number of the person making the reservation. 

2.  Date the Shelter is desired.  

3.  Estimated time of arrival and approximate number of persons who will be using the shelter on the reserved date.

          4.  Indicate which shelter you desire (Green or Brown shelter).


          A receipt with a reservation confirmation will be returned by